Wednesday, March 17, 2010


From time to time, I go back and read
what I wrote from times past. Here's
one from last March, appropriate again
I believe:

March 20th, 2009.
Officially, the first day of spring.
Here in Pittsburgh, PA
it's 45 degrees,
overcast, and kind of drab...
but then again
that's Pittsburgh
90% of the time. I'm not saying,
I'm just saying.

But even in the up and down
temperatures that
each day brings,
spring is in the picture.
The trees are budding.
The flowers are peeking
through the ground. The birds
are starting to
find nest mates.
The grass is beginning to look

green again.

I long for warmer days.
The opportunity to be outside
and alive in the warmth of the sun.

IT'S COMING! I know it is.

Spring is when life is breathed
back into the black and white
of winter. And thankfully
God gives
us a microcosm each March/April
of His ability and desire to make all things

new again.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
he is a new creation; the old has gone,

the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV

Thank God He makes all things new.

Yes, indeed. It may be 2010, but God
is still the same! Hallelujah!

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