Monday, August 30, 2010

"The End"

Tomorrow is the first day of school.

To me, and I may have written before,
this is a bitter sweet thing.

For one thing, I have to reintroduce
myself to the alarm clock. I've been
using Levi as my alarm clock for the
summer. He rises, I rise.

Another thing, 2 sets of hands will
be away for the most part of the day.
As much as they act like kids and
steer clear of all things work, they
actually do so much. It's easier to
trust an 8 year old or even 6 year
old to entertain the soon to be 2 year
old while you take a potty break.

Now, it will just be me, the Lukenstein,
and Mr. MumbLevi.

Also, it back to routine. Fall brings that
to me, routine. Sure, we have it during
the summer, but it's much easier to
buck routine then and do something

Bitter Sweet. Good-bye Summer.
Welcome back, old friend Autumn.

Good-bye horrible Buccos.
Welcome back, Steelers and Penguins.

Good-bye 90s.
Hello... well, maybe not yet on that one.

Know also that wisdom is sweet to your soul;
if you find it, there is a future hope for you,
and your hope will not be cut off.
Proverbs 24:14 NIV

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