Thursday, September 1, 2011

"Back Three School"

Yesterday marked another milestone day
in the Trimble homestead. Numero Tres
kiddo (the child formerly known as
Lukenstein) went for his first day of

Yes, the hardest working 5 year old
in America... and most productive
Trimble house-cleaning child, went
for his first day in big K.

A few tears were shed. And then when
I realized I was to be home alone with
a crazy two (soon to be three) year old,
I cried a little more.

Three are now part of the schooling world.

Leaving one behind.

Time churns on like a locomotive full
of life saving importance... slowing
no where along the way.

After all the summer was... ALL that
summer was... I will cherish the
one on one time with the family
clown; and certainly miss the hours
separated from the trio of Trimble

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