Noah turns 8 today. 8!
My first born is 8.
Oh how time slows for no one... not even a kid.
I remember that day very clearly.
I was working the 330am shift.
At 6am, I got the call. Got to go.
Got home in probably record time...
though I'd have to make the same trip
almost 2 years later to the day. (story)
We made it to the hospital just fine.
And @ 2:14pm, on 2/20/02
Noah David was born.
A rainy rainy day. Downpours!
Appropriate given his name.
Find out later when I get to the car:
yep, left the lights on, dead battery.
But at that point, who cared?
I was a new father.
8 years old.
8 years of new experiences.
Diapers, feedings, baseball, bike
riding, building, cleaning, trips, etc.
8 years of memories... 8 years
of joy, pain, happiness and sadness.
He's 8. Here's to a great 8th year!
Happy Birthday, Buddy. I love you.
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